Monday, March 12, 2007

Class Material Comment 1

Today in class we briefly discussed the VALS survey (Value and Lifestyles Survey). I took the survey and was told I am an Experiencer/Innovator. The results stated the following, "Your primary VALS type is Experiencer, and your secondary type is Innovator. The primary VALS type represents your dominant approach to life. The secondary classification represents a particular emphasis you give to your dominant approach. Experiencers are motivated by self-expression. As young, enthusiastic, and compulsive consumers, Experiencers quickly become enthusiastic about new possibilities but are equally quick to cool. They seek variety and excitement, savoring the new, the offbeat, and the risky. Their energy finds an outlet in exercise, sports, outdoor, creation, and social activities. Experiencers are avid consumers and spend a comparatively high proportion of their income on fashion, entertainment, and socializing. Their purchases reflect the emphasis they place on looking good and having "cool" stuff. Innovators (formerly Actualizers) are successful, sophisticated, take charge people with high self-esteem. Because they have such abundant resources, they exhibit all three primary motivations and are the most receptive to new ideas and technologies. Innovators are very active consumers, and their purchases reflect cultivated tastes for upscale, niche products and services. Image is important to Innovators, not as evidence status or power bust as an expression, and personality. Innovators are among the established and emerging leaders in business and government, yet they continue to seek challenges. Their lives are characterized by variety. Their possessions and recreation reflect a cultivated taste for the finer things in life." I don't know if I would consider myself to be an Experiencer or Innovator based on the definitions given after the survey.

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